Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Haiti: Don't STOP the Search and Rescue! People still being found ALIVE

Why did the "Haitian Government", AKA U.S. Government telling them what to say, call off the Search and Rescue efforts in Haiti when people are STILL being found alive.

Thank goddess for the French, who have continued searching, despite the American directive, and just today pulled a 17 year old old from the rubble.

Oh no, just saw that Howard Zinn has died, at age 87, of a heart attack. Oh that is really awful.

Well, in his honor, as a person of huge heart and intelligence, let's try treating the Haitian people and ALL people, and ALL life on this planet, as though it is IMPORTANT and ESSENTIAL.

As I have repeatedly said, if this "earthquake" or whatever it was, had occurred in Malibu, you can BET the search times would have rescued FAR MORE than 135 people and would STILL be on the job.

It really sickens me to see bulldozers rolling over "rubble", knowing that survivors may still be IN that rubble, praying that someone will hear their faint cries and save their lives.

COME ON U.S.!!! Tell the Haitian government to declare that searches WILL continue as long as people are being found alive. You can do it!

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