Sunday, January 24, 2010

Haiti Earthquake: Deliberately Triggered? Or Just a Convenient Opportunity?

A few questions regarding the Haiti Earthquake. There are SO MANY, I hardly know where to begin.

[As a disclaimer, yes I (along with many other people) am beginning to think this was a deliberately triggered "natural disaster". For anyone immediately thinking "Conspiracy Theorist", remember, it's not a THEORY if it is real. And this catch phrase is thrown around a LOT when the corporate media wishes to confuse people. One recent example of a "conspiracy THEORY" that proved to be NOT theoretical at all was the WMD lie that Bush, Cheney et al dispensed via the media to garner support for an invasion of Iraq.]

Many people are now wondering if the Haitian earthquake was intentionally or accidentally triggered by the United States. This IS possible. It is also possible (despite a lot of strange information pointing to something intentional) that this was truly a "natural disaster" and the U.S. and other countries are simply doing what they do best: making the most MONEY and POWER from a horrible disaster, at the expense of desperately poor people.

So, here are just a FEW of the questions I have come across. WHY was President Preval (the US-selected president, once the CIA forced Aristide out of office in 2004) conveniently NOT at work at the official palace, during a normal weekday/work day, at 4:53 p.m. on Tuesday, January 12, 2010? Did he go home early? Did he not even work that day?

Haitian friends in communication with family IN Haiti say many Haitians are already wondering if this was truly a "natural" disaster. They have heard reports that "the water did not change", meaning no major change in tides or ocean overflows at the time of the earthquake. Isn't this a bit odd, to say the least?

Why was there a dramatic increase in HAARP activity (Google HAARP for info re this "natural disaster" weapon) in the few days just prior to this earthquake? HAARP is not science fiction but reality. European Union members have demanded answers from the U.S. but gotten nowhere. HAARP Induction Magnetometer for January 12, 2010:

Why was there an extremely bright light in the sky the night before the earthquake in Haiti? I personally do not believe this is a UFO but a military-related object. Ask the pentagon! Maybe they can explain. Ha!

Why have Russian North Fleet submarines patrolling the area reported this as an intentionally triggered earthquake (sorry I cannot yet find follow-up on this report--if anyone can, please leave a comment)?,_Leaves_500,000_Dead_In_Haiti.html

Hugo Chavez and other Latin American leaders have called for a full-scale investigation.

Is it just a coincidence that possibly vast quantities of oil have been discovered in Haiti recently?

Is it just a coincidence that Haitian elections were to take place Feb. 28th?

Why did the US, which immediately took control of the Airport, refuse to allow planes carrying food and medical supplies, to land, while US military planes were allowed full clearance? Why have 16,000 troops been stationed in Haiti almost overnight?

Doctors Without Borders and many other wonderful organizations have LOUDLY complained about their planes being turned away, and the resulting loss of life. But, not surprisingly, this has received little media attention.

Why did it take the US Navy hospital ship Comfort EIGHT days to travel from Baltimore, MD to Port Au Prince? Port Au Prince is only 700 miles from Miami, after all.

Why has it been SO difficult to get food and water delivered to people who will now die of hunger and thirst? I just don't buy it that it is difficult for the US, with all its military and many resources and allies, to organize a food/water/medical relief program quickly. I have said in previous posts, had this been an earthquake in the Hamptons or Malibu, all necessary relief would have been organized within HOURS, not WEEKS.

Journalists were shown wandering around Port Au Prince for days, sobbing in despair, asking "Where are the relief teams?" Meanwhile the U.S. WAS able to amass its military presence in this poor nation.

Why, with all the many search and rescue teams from all over the world, were ONLY 132 Haitians rescued from the rubble? Why has this effort now been called off, and bulldozers instead brought in to "clear the rubble" when people are still being found alive? And why did it take SO LONG for this effort to get underway? Is there any chance the U.S. WANTED to maximize "collateral damage"? After all, these desperately poor feisty Haitians have long caused problems for the U.S., what with their rebellious attitude towards being total slaves and accepting poverty and starvation and all.

If you have questions of your own, please feel free to post in the comments here.

The corporate government of this world needs a sudden change in consciousness, some kind of miracle. We should not be even be burning oil at ALL any more, let along invading nations for it. We should have LONG AGO moved past this greed and blood-thirsty power model of thought. There IS another way to live. It is time for ALL of us to WAKE UP.

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