Sunday, January 3, 2010

Nudists, Weirdos, and Psycho Would-Be Roommates, STAY AWAY!!!

So there I am, interviewing yet another potential roommate. I am thinking, "Well this is going OK...we both enjoy conspiracy theories, think the Corporate Government is essentially evil, find some ironies of injustice just plain hilarious..." but something felt off.

I couldn't put my finger on it. Sure, he was maybe more into the paranoia thing that I am (I don't believe total control freaks will ever "win" because that is completely contrary to the essence of unpredictable, creative, wild LIFE) but there was something else.

Finally, thanks SO MUCH to the protective forces in the universe, the guy blurts out, "You know I sleep in the nude."

I grimaced and said, "What?!?" I mean, I don't care one way or the other HOW my roommates sleep--I just don't need to hear the details.

He gestured to the roommate room, which is right next to the bathroom.

"So I would probably pop out of my room in the morning to use the bathroom, nude."

I shook my head. "Uh, no. You wouldn't. You would need to put on a robe first. I am really NOT interested in seeing my roommate's naked body, thanks."

He looked disappointed. For foch's SAKE!!! Do I LOOK like a perv nudist type, seeking men I've never met on the internet to wander around my apartment naked? I don't THINK SO...and if you DO, shut up! You're wrong.

Yuck Yuck Yuck Yuck. I'm glad he finally helped me put my finger on what was really wrong. He's a NUTCASE. But still, yuck yuck yuck yuck. I need a shower, NOW.

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