Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Haiti: Don't STOP the Search and Rescue! People still being found ALIVE

Why did the "Haitian Government", AKA U.S. Government telling them what to say, call off the Search and Rescue efforts in Haiti when people are STILL being found alive.

Thank goddess for the French, who have continued searching, despite the American directive, and just today pulled a 17 year old old from the rubble.

Oh no, just saw that Howard Zinn has died, at age 87, of a heart attack. Oh that is really awful.

Well, in his honor, as a person of huge heart and intelligence, let's try treating the Haitian people and ALL people, and ALL life on this planet, as though it is IMPORTANT and ESSENTIAL.

As I have repeatedly said, if this "earthquake" or whatever it was, had occurred in Malibu, you can BET the search times would have rescued FAR MORE than 135 people and would STILL be on the job.

It really sickens me to see bulldozers rolling over "rubble", knowing that survivors may still be IN that rubble, praying that someone will hear their faint cries and save their lives.

COME ON U.S.!!! Tell the Haitian government to declare that searches WILL continue as long as people are being found alive. You can do it!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Haiti Earthquake: Deliberately Triggered? Or Just a Convenient Opportunity?

A few questions regarding the Haiti Earthquake. There are SO MANY, I hardly know where to begin.

[As a disclaimer, yes I (along with many other people) am beginning to think this was a deliberately triggered "natural disaster". For anyone immediately thinking "Conspiracy Theorist", remember, it's not a THEORY if it is real. And this catch phrase is thrown around a LOT when the corporate media wishes to confuse people. One recent example of a "conspiracy THEORY" that proved to be NOT theoretical at all was the WMD lie that Bush, Cheney et al dispensed via the media to garner support for an invasion of Iraq.]

Many people are now wondering if the Haitian earthquake was intentionally or accidentally triggered by the United States. This IS possible. It is also possible (despite a lot of strange information pointing to something intentional) that this was truly a "natural disaster" and the U.S. and other countries are simply doing what they do best: making the most MONEY and POWER from a horrible disaster, at the expense of desperately poor people.

So, here are just a FEW of the questions I have come across. WHY was President Preval (the US-selected president, once the CIA forced Aristide out of office in 2004) conveniently NOT at work at the official palace, during a normal weekday/work day, at 4:53 p.m. on Tuesday, January 12, 2010? Did he go home early? Did he not even work that day?

Haitian friends in communication with family IN Haiti say many Haitians are already wondering if this was truly a "natural" disaster. They have heard reports that "the water did not change", meaning no major change in tides or ocean overflows at the time of the earthquake. Isn't this a bit odd, to say the least?

Why was there a dramatic increase in HAARP activity (Google HAARP for info re this "natural disaster" weapon) in the few days just prior to this earthquake? HAARP is not science fiction but reality. European Union members have demanded answers from the U.S. but gotten nowhere. HAARP Induction Magnetometer for January 12, 2010:

Why was there an extremely bright light in the sky the night before the earthquake in Haiti? I personally do not believe this is a UFO but a military-related object. Ask the pentagon! Maybe they can explain. Ha!

Why have Russian North Fleet submarines patrolling the area reported this as an intentionally triggered earthquake (sorry I cannot yet find follow-up on this report--if anyone can, please leave a comment)?,_Leaves_500,000_Dead_In_Haiti.html

Hugo Chavez and other Latin American leaders have called for a full-scale investigation.

Is it just a coincidence that possibly vast quantities of oil have been discovered in Haiti recently?

Is it just a coincidence that Haitian elections were to take place Feb. 28th?

Why did the US, which immediately took control of the Airport, refuse to allow planes carrying food and medical supplies, to land, while US military planes were allowed full clearance? Why have 16,000 troops been stationed in Haiti almost overnight?

Doctors Without Borders and many other wonderful organizations have LOUDLY complained about their planes being turned away, and the resulting loss of life. But, not surprisingly, this has received little media attention.

Why did it take the US Navy hospital ship Comfort EIGHT days to travel from Baltimore, MD to Port Au Prince? Port Au Prince is only 700 miles from Miami, after all.

Why has it been SO difficult to get food and water delivered to people who will now die of hunger and thirst? I just don't buy it that it is difficult for the US, with all its military and many resources and allies, to organize a food/water/medical relief program quickly. I have said in previous posts, had this been an earthquake in the Hamptons or Malibu, all necessary relief would have been organized within HOURS, not WEEKS.

Journalists were shown wandering around Port Au Prince for days, sobbing in despair, asking "Where are the relief teams?" Meanwhile the U.S. WAS able to amass its military presence in this poor nation.

Why, with all the many search and rescue teams from all over the world, were ONLY 132 Haitians rescued from the rubble? Why has this effort now been called off, and bulldozers instead brought in to "clear the rubble" when people are still being found alive? And why did it take SO LONG for this effort to get underway? Is there any chance the U.S. WANTED to maximize "collateral damage"? After all, these desperately poor feisty Haitians have long caused problems for the U.S., what with their rebellious attitude towards being total slaves and accepting poverty and starvation and all.

If you have questions of your own, please feel free to post in the comments here.

The corporate government of this world needs a sudden change in consciousness, some kind of miracle. We should not be even be burning oil at ALL any more, let along invading nations for it. We should have LONG AGO moved past this greed and blood-thirsty power model of thought. There IS another way to live. It is time for ALL of us to WAKE UP.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Taking Bread When You Are Starving is NOT Looting!

The news media REALLY needs to rethink the language it is using to describe starving people in Haiti breaking into grocery stores to take food. This is NOT looting!!! This is simply survival. And if Haitians are seen taking goods and not food, figure it out. There is NO MONEY to buy food, but a radio can be traded for some rice.

Perhaps it would behoove the corporate news media to examine WHY it has taken SO LONG for food to get to people in Haiti, when there are so many countries contributing? The US now controls the Haitian airport, and many relief planes have been turned away, forced to land in Santo Domingo and bring supplies overland, resulting in more deaths due to delays. And no organized distribution system has been set up, meaning that only a fraction of the population needing food and water has actually received it. WHAAAT? The US, with all its troops, bulldozers, tanks, trucks, computer resources, and allies, cannot manage to set up a proper distribution system, eight days into this tragedy?

I repeat, if this had happened in the Hamptons or Malibu, all necessary aid, including a perfectly organized distribution system, would have been on the ground in half a day. But this is Haiti, populated with poor, rebellious people, who have long resisted US attempts to completely enslave and control the population, so of course this will take time, LOTS of time...all the time necessary to achieve maximum "collateral damage".

WHY is the US refusing to allow medical supplies into the country, so that Doctors Without Borders are forced to purchase a saw from a market in order to amputate a crushed limb from a patient, and with NO morphine? The excuse is "a bottle neck at the airport", but DWB has stated that even when runways have been clear, the US has turned away medical supplies. Yet US military planes, with troops and tanks, are given clearance. Interesting priority. No wonder Latin American leaders are talking about a US takeover in Haiti.

If you can bear to read this, here is a reasonably good article about people dying due to lack of medical supplies:

More questions: WHY has the US managed to ship 11,500 troops (16,000 expected by this weekend) to the area so quickly, but the floating US Navy Hospital JUST arrived, 8 days after the quake? All of these troops are surely being fed, and offered medical care, but dying Haitians cannot even get a bottle of water, a sandwich, or a splint for a broken leg?

WHY, with all the "rescue teams" on site, have only 121 people (from one account) been rescued from rubble by these teams, while local Haitians, with NO tools at ALL, have rescued countless victims?

Haitians don't trust the US, and with good reason. The US has ousted democratically elected leaders in this country. This US aid mission has already been called a "Rescue/Invasion".

For some background on the bloody US history with Haiti, here is a really good, succinct account from Common Dreams' Ted Rail, "Haitian Earthquake: Made in the USA":

Read Britain's The Guardian, and other online sources for better information than that coming from government-sanctioned "news sources" in the US. Time to wake up.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Haiti Suffers While US Power-Mongers Play Games

Went riding my bike in the rain this evening, and it felt SO good. Fresh air, cold rain on my face, moving through the cold wind.

I feel so ANGRY and sad and upset about what the United States is doing in Haiti. Many countries have complained that they have tried to land with relief supplies (including medicine and food) at the Port au Prince airport and the US has refused them entry.

The US controls the Haitian airport now. WHAT IS GOING ON???? The excuse of the US is that the airport is bottle-necked. Give me a break. As I have said in the past, when the United States WANTS to be organized, it is VERY GOOD at that. For example: organizing PR campaigns via the media to disseminate lies in order to invade a country for oil and power strategems (i.e. Iraq and Afghanistan)--EXCELLENT work, boys!

Organizing to bomb an ancient city to smithereens (Baghdad). Fantastic.

But try to save the lives of desperately poor people, pleading for help while children die in their mothers' arms, from relatively simple, treatable injuries (broken bones, open wounds)? Wow, that is just TOO complicated, it seems.

Doctors Without Borders have been very blunt in expressing their disgust. An inflatable hospital was airlifted to Haiti, but the US refused to allow the plane to land at the airport. Instead, planes with medical supplies and food have been forced to land in Santo Domingo and travel overland, which means time wasted and many more lives lost. (I will write more about this in the coming days, but PLEASE do your own research on the web--check European news sources. They will often be more reliable than the US. And READ BETWEEN THE LINES.)

OK, I am going to be BLUNT. I believe, as I did with Katrina, that there are those among the "powers that be" that actually WANT a large percentage of the Haitian population to die. For one thing, the rebellious nature of the Haitian people (including the audacity to want a democratically elected government of their own choosing as opposed to one that is US-chosen), is problematic for the US corporate government.

Essentially, the view of the bullies who still run things in America is that, in order to get the "most" out of any country, the US needs to be IN CONTROL. The very idea of negotiating fairly is anathema to these guys.

Do you know what this is? Psychopathic bullying and GREED. Plain and simple.

I really look forward to the day when we have 12-step programs for such bloodthirsty power-mongers. "Hi, my name is John." "Hi John." "I'm a psychopathic greedy power-monger." (everyone in the room nods) "But I haven't exploited any poor people for the past 90 days." (everyone claps) "It's been difficult, but I keep working my program, and I really want to thank my sponsor, Hugo." Hugo Chavez smiles broadly from the corner. And the world breathes a sigh of relief.

Well, I can dream, can't I?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Why is Relief to Haiti taking SO LONG????

Why is it taking so LONG for help to get to Haiti? Blah blah blah from the leaders of the various world powers, while people DIE under rubble when they could have been saved. Just another Katrina. My theory is that the rich countries actually WANT these poor people to die--especially in a country like Haiti, with a rich history of revolution against horrible dictators.

Believe me, if this earthquake had happened in the Hamptons, or Malibu, or some wealthy enclave such as Monaco, search teams, giant medical ships, bullldozers and all necessary equipment and personnel would be in the area and on the ground within half a day.

OR, if this was a country the US wanted to invade, exactly how long do you think THAT would take?

And then, of course, there is the whole issue of class. The wealthy nations, and wealthy leaders NEED worker-bees, people in desperate situations, ready to be exploited for sweatshops. And if they have no use, even for the worst possible employment, then they don't really need to BE at ALL, do they? Time for change, time for a massive, overnight sudden change of consciousness. NOW.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Something Really Funny and Nice Happened Tonight

So there I was, riding my bike through Porter Square, bundled up, freezing to death, trudging along, the bitter wind pushing against me. Suddenly I felt a very gentle arm around my waist, behind my back, and I turned to see that a cute male cyclist was riding along right next to me.

I laughed, and said, "WHAT are you DOING?"

He said, "I'm giving you a push."

I said, "Why?" and "Thanks!" at the same time. We both laughed.

I guess he could tell my legs were slowly freezing into a solid block of ice. And decided to give me a hand.

How weird, for Boston/Cambridge. For someone to be just NICE. Must be something to do with the moon. Or the mess at NBC late night! Or the economy? Or the extra-terrestrials have finally gotten their world-wide mind-evolution program fully underway at long last?

So then I went to Shaw's/Star market and bought a lottery scratch ticket for $2 and won $5!

Yay!!! Sometimes it helps to be happy for small miracles.

I still cannot believe someone in Cambridge was nice enough to give me a hand without me even asking for it. Wow. (OK, it has happened before, but not NEARLY often enough!) Thank you universe, and nice guy on the bike. I needed that!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Montreal is Full of Pervs

Montreal is a perv place, REALLY!!!

I lived in Montreal for 15 years, and I swear I ran into more pervs in that place than anywhere else.

My last blog was about a would-be roommate, who declared his fondness for parading around stark-naked. YUCK!!! Believe me, this guy was NO Adonis! And I had said NOTHING to inspire such a comment. OK, he was NOT from Montreal, but Pennsylvania via Arizona and Florida (yes, it only occurred to me AFTER I hustled him out of my apartment to wonder what all THAT was about).

However, I posted my blog with a label including "nudists" just for the heck of it. And sure enough, the FIRST person doing a "nudists" search was from Montreal.

OK, maybe being a nudist in itself is not a big deal. Perhaps nudists need to develop nude-dar, like gay men have gay-dar?

But here is a small sampling of the insanity I experienced in Montreal:

A guy careening down the street, middle of a busy day, driving his bashed up car while bashing himself up with the other hand at the same time. I am NOT kidding!!!

A guy walking down the street in Joncquière, Quebec (OK not Montreal, but still Quebec), at about 11 p.m., wearing a tee shirt and sheer pantyhose and nothing else, i.e. NO underwear. And there was me, not wearing my glasses, because we were heading out to the clubs, so I couldn't really make out what the heck kind of outfit he was wearing until he was about 10 feet away. At that point I only had time to yell to my friend, who was absorbed in a story she was recounting. He grabbed her breast and then knocked her down. I screamed my head off and he ran away. And get this, we ran into him AGAIN, a couple weeks later. This time he tried to grab me, but I saw it coming and knocked his arm away from me, again screaming at him. Jesus!

A man who approached a friend of mine, while she was taking a nice walk on Mount Royal, on the main WIDE road in the middle of a warm sunny day. The man was quickly undoing his belt and yanking his pants down as he approached. My friend panicked, looking around for an escape. As if by some miracle, an older man rounded the curve of the path ahead. My friend ran up and asked if he would walk her back down the path. He was very kind, and agreed. The perv ran off, realizing that whatever he had in mind would not be easily achieved that particular day.

I was sitting with a friend on our front stairs one warm summer evening, around 1 a.m. We had been out dancing at Izaza, the local dive bar, and were chatting about the various shenanigans of Izaza clientele (always exciting, I assure you). A man with a cap meandered down the street. He glanced up at us and kept walking. We kept talking. A few minutes later, the man returned, and this time, he made a direct bee-line for the stairway, unzipping his pants as he ran towards us. We ran in the house and got my friend's husband. As Pierre pulled on his robe, I ran to the balcony door to see where the man might be. I looked through the glass, and Jesus again! He was RIGHT THERE!!! He had the situation "in hand" and was madly heading to mayday when Pierre arrived. The guy zipped up his pants and ran away. Fortunately, we never saw him again.

I really cannot COUNT the number of times I encountered "whoops" experiences on the bus and metro but it was almost a daily occurrence. I finally got the gumption to just yell out, "Would you PLEASE remove your GROIN from my shoulder?!!??" That usually worked.

Oh there are many many other stories, but you get the idea. Montreal is a really FUN place to party, to experience a little joie de vivre, to eat GREAT food, listen to some good music, practice your French, but WATCH OUT for the pervs!

(Oh, and in case you are thinking, "Well just call the cops"--uh, maybe not. I finally DID report one incident to the police. But all the cop wanted was the sleazy details over and over again, and over and over again...You get the idea. Yet another perv!)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Nudists, Weirdos, and Psycho Would-Be Roommates, STAY AWAY!!!

So there I am, interviewing yet another potential roommate. I am thinking, "Well this is going OK...we both enjoy conspiracy theories, think the Corporate Government is essentially evil, find some ironies of injustice just plain hilarious..." but something felt off.

I couldn't put my finger on it. Sure, he was maybe more into the paranoia thing that I am (I don't believe total control freaks will ever "win" because that is completely contrary to the essence of unpredictable, creative, wild LIFE) but there was something else.

Finally, thanks SO MUCH to the protective forces in the universe, the guy blurts out, "You know I sleep in the nude."

I grimaced and said, "What?!?" I mean, I don't care one way or the other HOW my roommates sleep--I just don't need to hear the details.

He gestured to the roommate room, which is right next to the bathroom.

"So I would probably pop out of my room in the morning to use the bathroom, nude."

I shook my head. "Uh, no. You wouldn't. You would need to put on a robe first. I am really NOT interested in seeing my roommate's naked body, thanks."

He looked disappointed. For foch's SAKE!!! Do I LOOK like a perv nudist type, seeking men I've never met on the internet to wander around my apartment naked? I don't THINK SO...and if you DO, shut up! You're wrong.

Yuck Yuck Yuck Yuck. I'm glad he finally helped me put my finger on what was really wrong. He's a NUTCASE. But still, yuck yuck yuck yuck. I need a shower, NOW.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bad Boys I Have Known and Loved and Hated, Installment Number 1

I have decided to work on a "series" about various bad boys (and some girls) I have known in my life. This will be a sporadic series, but always exciting, I'm sure! Look for it!

Some of these boys (or girls) really were bad as in horrible, nasty human beings. Others may have been bad in the really delicious sense of the word.

But I will start with one who was really bad as in horrible, even at the tender age of SIX!!!

OK, I was in grade one or two, in Arlington, Texas. I had a crush on a really cute older guy, Jack, who was seven and one grade ahead of me. His brother, Tim, who was in my class, knew I preferred his sibling. But Tim had a crush on ME, and as boys are wont to do, this pissed him the hell off. So Tim was always trying to make me cry. I don't get the logic in that, but I have noticed that even adult bad boys have tended to behave the same way. When somehow I am not doing just what they want, they seem to want to make me cry. What the hell is that all about? Maybe some adult bad boy out there can explain that to me some day.

Anyway, I was a pretty tough-minded little girl. Tim would punch me in the arm. I would just hit him back. He would call me names. I would chant, "Sticks and stones, blah blah" and Tim would turn red with rage. Sometimes he would laugh at me, but I would just laugh harder. As I say, I really did NOT understand WTF was going on with Tim, but I DID understand that he was trying to hurt me. It wasn't until many years later that I realized Tim knew I preferred his older brother, and in his innate boyness, could not find any other way to deal with that reality than to try to hurt me.

So one day, Tim finally realized he was never really going to make me cry. But MAYBE he COULD make my eyes water. When the teacher was writing on the chalkboard, Tim, who sat in the seat just ahead of me, turned and smacked me RIGHT in the eyes. A real sucker-punch. I didn't even see it coming.

Well, hell yes, that worked. My eyes watered--a natural physical reaction. But I wasn't sad, I was now mad as a snake.

Someone recently pointed out to me that I may have been devious, even as a child. I never thought that was true, until I recalled this story with Tim.

When Tim saw my eyes water and tears well up, he shouted with GLEE!!! He had WON! He had made me CRY, even if it wasn't real crying, but my eyes reacting to being hit. He whooped and hollered and jumped up and down. I sat still as a stone, fury flooding every cell in my body. I seethed, I hated Tim, and I plotted.

A few days later I invited Tim over to my house for a visit.

The visit started innocently enough--and I still have a hard time believing I planned what occurred, but you know, maybe I did. I think maybe I just did.

Tim and I played a game of "jacks", rode bikes, drank some cherry Kool-Aid. Then we lazed around on the back porch. Feeling confident and full of himself, Tim casually mentioned his "victory" over me. "Hah hah! I made you cry, didn't I?" He was taunting me. I looked through the window into the kitchen. My mother was busy at the stove. She had the radio tuned to the local station, the volume up high. I looked at Tim's snarling laughing lip, and glanced one more time at my mother. She had her back to us. The coast was clear. I knew just what I had to do.

I jumped up and grabbed the broom I had left leaning against the side of the house just that morning. Tim looked up in shock. I screamed like a wild banshee and started chasing him around the porch. WHACK!!! I hit him once, hard, with the straws of the broom. Tim cried out in pain. He tried to run away from me, but I ran faster. WHACK!!! I hit him again. Now Tim started to shed a few real tears. Finally I was whacking and screaming, right behind him, as Tim stumbled and cried, "Stop, stop!" My mother came out to see what all the ruckus was about.

I got sent to my room and Tim got sent home. Once I calmed down, I was pretty damned pleased with myself.

I STILL find it hard to believe I PLANNED such a sophisticated revenge at the age of SIX, but I always have been pretty much of a genius.

Suffice it to say, Tim changed seats the following Monday in school. He sat right up front near the teacher. And he never bothered me again.

I tell you what. I WISH I had taken this approach with some of the other bad (as in nasty, horrible) boys I have met in my life. Most of them got away with their crap scot-free. What a shame. What a damn shame. I really am good with a broom.