Friday, October 3, 2008

My Therapist Hates Me

So out of desperation, I actually PAY someone to listen to me, and she is SUPPOSED to at least pretend to like me and to want to help. But yesterday when I went in for my weekly session, I swear she sneered at me! Well yes, I was being very snarky with her, disagreeing energetically with her stance on psychotropic drugs. She said, "Well, the research says therapy combined with prescription drugs works best." I asked (and yes, I was angry), "And WHO conducted this so-called research? The DRUG companies?" She said she didn't know. I said, "Follow the money, that will tell you everything you need to know." And then she sneered.

I pointed out that the U.S. flooded Iraq with Prozac almost immediately after invading that country. I said to her, "If that doesn't tell you a WHOLE LOT about the purpose of this drug, I don't know what will."

On another tangent (or was it?), I told her I am bloody sick and tired of being afraid of men (as in psychotic males, who are far too numerous in this crazy world), and that I am going to arm myself. She flinched. I went on to (timidly? maybe I am wimping out) own up that I hate guns, so I would probably just buy some legal keychain pepper spray.

But my grandmother bought a gun when she was in her late 70's, and she used it, and I don't blame her. Someone broke into her house in Indianapolis, and robbed her. So she bought a gun. When, as she expected, the guy returned for another take a couple months later, she was ready. She shot him. He survived, but you can bet he never came back to her house again.

That sounds so tough, and so American, in a way that I hate. But I also HATE being afraid of psychopaths!

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