Thursday, December 31, 2009

Healing on the Full Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse, 13th Moon, WOW!!!

New Year's 2009, last New Year's in this decade, and we have a Full Moon, a Blue Moon, 13th Full moon this year, 2nd full moon in December, AND a partial lunar eclipse, visible in Europe. WOWOWOWOWOW!!!

Time for something special. Fall in love, have beautiful visions of the future, heal yourself, laugh, be kind to yourself and others, experience real inner peace, joy, passion, warmth. See the truth, tumble through the reality of your own pain into that indescribable joy that comes when the weight is lifted. Climb into that universal creative energy field, the basis of all life, or better yet, THROW yourself into it, and see where it takes you.

Let's hope for miracles! A sudden, world-wide change of consciousness--no more greed, no more war, no more cruelty, no more exploitation. Suddenly all of us seeing that we live in a MOST amazing paradise, and all the animals, fish, birds, trees, stars, weeds, wind, clouds, storms and sunshine are manifestations of the most intense joy and beauty possible. Let's worship the earth, bowing down to the beauty, protecting the beauty, loving the beauty, taking care and protecting from harm. Let us all Honor our Mother Earth and all her creatures, with all of our hearts.

And for those too wounded and damaged to love this earth, let's have compassion for them, but keep them from further harming the earth in a calm, caring spirit. When a person is healed, he or she no longer wishes gain for simple gain, or wants to harm for the sake of harm or the sake of power or the sake of revenge or the sake of old painful memories. So let us help the extreme greedy, war-mongering, cruel power-mongers among us to HEAL, and once healed, they will use their abundance for the common good, the good of all humanity and all the beautiful creature who cohabit this planet with us.

We have done tremendous damage to our planet, our nest. Maybe it is too late, and maybe the human species is doomed to extinction, along with so many other species who have simply been swept along in this tsunami of destruction.

But maybe it is NOT too late, NOT too late to save the beautiful species of birds, mammals, fish, insects, plants, amphibians, microscopic and macroscopic beings that inhabit this earth. Let's try to live according to this hope, and heal ourselves, and heal the earth.

I once saw a brief segment of a PBS program. It showed the most incredibly fantastical, strange creatures, ever-evolving, and inhabiting the very depths of the oceans. For no discernable reason, these creatures, all inhabiting the same environment, had evolved into a multitude of the most beautiful, remarkable unpredictable creatures—such variety the creatures could not be catalogued by science.

It was then that I fully understood that unpredictable, fantastic, incredibly BEAUTIFUL creativity is the ESSENCE of life. Those who try to control life, to bring the life force into predictability, to harness creativity and energy, to stomp out joy and spontaneity, to force homogeneity in Humans and other creatures, will never succeed. And the simple reason is that all of their efforts are contrary to the essence of Life itself. The very essence of life is creativity, spontaneity, unpredictable, fantastic beauty, passion, joy, untamed intensity.

A truly wild, crazily whirling spirit inhabits us all. We only need to touch it to see, really see, that so much of the "security" we have created for ourselves is nothing but a shadow of reality, a sham, a silly, unnecessary crutch. We can FLY!!! Really fly, in our dreams and in our lives. We only need love and joy and freedom to truly be happy in this life. And that is within our reach if we only open ourselves to it and release the pain within us.

I’m wishing love and beauty for myself and every other living creature in this New Year. And courage to speak up, to organize, to foster change, to reach out, to break barriers blocking peace in this world. Happy New Year’s to Everyone, especially all the wild and crazy spirits out there. Yes! I am talking to you. I always am, because you of all of these, you understand.

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