Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Come on Boys, Get REAL!!!

I'm sorry. There are just some times when it is impossible for me to hold my tongue.

A couple nights ago on Carson Daly was one of the LEAST-TALENTED musicians I have ever seen in my life. But there he was, playing guitar and being adored by a crowd of mostly women, a few men (it was San Francisco, I think).

A flashing neon sign went off in my brain: "Hey, guys!!! I play guitar AND I have a penis, so I MUST BE AMAZING!!!" This guy was so damn pleased with himself it made me want to puke.

Really. Enough is enough. You guys are NOT entitled to be adored simply because you have YOUR extra flesh appendage exposed as opposed to protected (like we women do!). And women need to STOP participating in this LIE!!!

Robin Williams joked that he was so emotional after his bypass procedure that he thought the doctors must have given him a kitty cat (not his word, mine) rather than a valve.

GIVE ME A BREAK!!! People throw this "you're a pussy" insult around all the time, the implication being that vaginas, and the people who own them, are somehow weak, vulnerable, not too smart and just plain yucky.

Excuse me, penis-people, but have YOU ever tried to push the equivalent of a watermelon outta your exposed flesh? I thought not.

Did you know that one reason Einstein and his wife separated is that she was pissed that he "borrowed" so many of HER theories (including Relativity) and never gave her any credit?

And did you know that some artists, including the very famous Georgia O'Keefe, think vaginas are just plain BEAUTIFUL???? Funny how something that at least 75% of men chase after most of their lives can be reduced to an insult. Maybe the truth is, boys, it just BUGS you to be so obsessed with something so soft, beautiful, strong and powerful that YOU don't OWN!!!!

Really, I just cannot take this any more. The expression ought to be, "Wow, he's really got OVARIES" and "You da pussy" should replace "You da MAN" as a compliment.

And talentless guitar players are talentless guitar players, penis or not!

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