Monday, June 11, 2007

Each Ending is a New Ending

I was just checking GreenSingles, thinking, hmmm...well, never know....could be time to finally meet my true love, kindred spirit, soulmate, excellent dissenter. And some guy, who I shall NOT contact, had headed his profile with: "Each Ending is a New Beginning", but I READ it as "Each Ending is a New Ending". And I had to laugh. Maybe that is true.

Sure, when one door closes, another opens, but the fact often remains that the old door is, nonetheless CLOSED. And maybe a new beginning will follow an ending, but still, that ending is ENDED.

So I write this and then I think this is such a fabulous and funny idea, that someone is sure to steal it. Fortunately no has yet read my blog, as far as I know, (hah! therein lies the rub!) so I don't think I am in much danger of that to date. But I HAVE encountered thieves in my life: thieves of the heart, of ideas, of inspiration, of energy. I am doing my best to stay away from them these days, but thieves have a way of popping up in the most unlikely places.

So hey, thieves! Stay out of my blog!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

This is not a porn blog, by the way

Of course, I just discovered that there is at least one other "Georgia's Peach" blog. It is a porn blog. This is not a porn blog. So if you are seeking a place to post your icky dirty thoughts, Google "Georgia's Peach Porn Blog". I am sure that other "Georgia's Peach", who is probably some gnarly stinky bewhiskered and bewhiskied skinny guy living in a cabin in West Virginia, will be delighted to receive your comments.

I won't.

Welcome to Georgia's Peach

At the moment, this blog has no purpose at all, other than an opportunity for me to express my confusion, frustration, happiness, joy, sadness, anger, disgust, angst, nightmares, dreams, worries, peaceful moments, loves, hates and other sundry concerns.

Eventually maybe some "higher purpose" will reveal itself. But I wouldn't count on it.