Tuesday, September 11, 2012

You Might Think, Or Maybe Not...

I haven't written in awhile, as you can see. Got tired of being surveilled, both by my rather obsessed older sister, and by the even more obsessed PTB (Powers That Be, or Pretty Tricky Brats, or whatever other acronym you want to come up with). I really DO wish Google was not part of the "keywords" crap. I met a young man who proudly informed me he will be going to Harvard's Kennedy School, to eventually work with Special Forces in the military. He looked so shiny-faced and earnest. I said, "Well I really hope you will take your training to do some investigation into the REAL criminals in this world." He tilted his head, not sure what was coming. "And by that I mean, the leaders of the US government and their allies, the CEOs of major corporations and oil companies. People like that." I think my young friend nearly fainted at the thought of investigating his bosses. "Wouldn't it be GREAT to know what was really going on behind the scenes? You could make that happen! I mean, THOSE are the people who need to be spied upon, if anyone, not some peace-loving protester!" He had started to twitch and blush and slowly backed away, making his excuses. Very sad to see, at this late late point in our planet's crushing climate change, brought on by greed, wars, stupidity, lack of vision, lack of love and the pure, simple inability to share, that ANY country is still training "Special Forces" to engage in clandestine (and illegal) activities. You might think, if you were from a much more advanced planet, that we would have figured out LONG ago that such an antiquarian system of power and exploitation, war and lies, does NOT lead to longevity for the human species. You might think. Or feel. Or care. Or reflect. But unfortunately, it seems the greedy destructive psychopaths in power just don't do ANY of that.