Tuesday, September 20, 2011

TeaBaggers and Class Warfare Hahaha!

This is my post from a Yahoo story on Obama's plan to raise money for job creation by taxing the rich (and the right wing then crying "Class Warfare!"), with reply from Phil T:

"I love the way these teabaggers twist the truth. The class warfare has been going on for quite some time now. It is a war of the rich (and banks, oil boys, wall street, big corporations) AGAINST everyone else. The rich run this country, change laws to suit themselves, make sure they pay almost nothing in taxes, and then when Obama finally has the guts to stand up and say, "Hey, maybe you guys should pay something similar in taxes to a middle class working person", they get their teabagging hacks to scream "Class warfare". What a bunch of soulless creeps, no ethics and no concern for anyone but their corporate sugar daddies. Man, if there is a hell, they are surely going to burn in it when their time comes.

1 Reply


Yeah, it's good the rich can't buy their way out of dying!"

So far 6 thumbs up and only 2 thumbs down from the pay-for-hire teabagger hacks who troll the internet desperately searching for any signs of intelligence, aiming to quickly shoot it down.

Clearly the plan of the Rich Corporate Elite (and their teabagger hacks) is to turn the USA into an old-style third world economy. You really have to wonder what kind of nightmare childhood these creeps experienced to end up as such heartless, soulless sick psychopaths.